Spiritual Law
The curses of the law in Deuteronomy 28 read "The Lord shall smite thee" but the law was not written in English. The original was written in the permissive tense and English has no permissive tense so they translated it in the causative sense, and should read "The Lord will allow" Make no mistake, a nation or person brings upon themselves curses due to spiritual law which is reactionary as surely as the law of motion or the law of gravity is. Sickness and disease is a curse of the law; broken. Healing was provided "by His stripes ye were healed" [scars from beating] and is reactionary through spiritual law. You struggle with faith not only for answers but for causes as well. Feel like you're not the contributor? Then look around you. Who's in your boat? (Jonah) Who (or yourself) in your house has something hidden (physically or spiritually) that's considered accursed? (Achan) Jesus has freed us (Christians) from the curse of the law but don't expect to get dry if you stay in the water. We also have to realize who's in our camp (nation, city). A Ninevah type repentance would do us well and solve ALL of our problems. The Ten Commandments should be looked at as ten statements about us not orders towards us. Spiritual law is in fact, science.